Beyond the Boxes
The Gospel-Shaped Life Podcast
025: Finding Selah with Kristen Kill

025: Finding Selah with Kristen Kill

Kristen Kill, wife, mama of 5, podcaster, and now author, joins me on the podcast today to share her heart for how women can find peace in the midst of what may be crazy, chaotic lives. This gal is a real gem, and I know you are going to be encouraged by her story and all that she has to share!

What we Chat about in This Episode

~Kristen's new book, Finding Selah: The Simple Practice of Peace When You Need it Most- what the message of it is, why she was inspired to write it, and what we can expect to find within its pages (be sure to head to Instagram for the book giveaway!)  around 13:00 long pause and 1:02:00

~The depth of emotion found in the Psalms and all that that teaches us 

~The importance of a rhythm of rest in our lives - why we need it and crave it so badly, what that can look like in our lives, what God intends for us there, what happens when we have that in the midst of chaotic lives, etc.

~The meaning of "selah" in the Psalms - what it means, where it's found, what is found after a "selah", and its implications for our daily lives

~Fear of silence and stillness as being the driving force behind the busyness epidemic in our culture

~The idol of perfectionism, false identities, and living as Pharisees - how they all go against this pursuit of selah in our lives

~Rest as being a holy pursuit

~The issue of the mommy wars

~The practicality of the gospel and theology for everyday life

~God's delight in His daughters and what that means for how we live our lives

~Practical ways to practice "selah" in our everyday lives

~Selah's implications for how we view God

~And more!

Discussion about this podcast

Beyond the Boxes
The Gospel-Shaped Life Podcast
The Gospel-Shaped Life Podcast (Formerly the Home and Hearth Podcast) is a weekly show hosted by Rebekah Hargraves and all about edifying, equipping, and encouraging women in their journey of living life in light of the gospel. If there is an issue that pertains to a woman's life, you will find it discussed here! We'll be covering everything from topics pertaining to marriage, motherhood, homemaking, and the Christian walk, to issues of health and fitness, infertility, adoption, chronic illness, and current event issues in the church and culture. It is our prayer that you will find an episode here which speaks directly to what you are going through right at this very moment and that you will receive the encouragement you need for your daily life.