Jami Balmet is a wife, homeschooling mom of 5 five and under, writer, podcaster, and business owner who is passionate about equipping women to better fulfill the roles God has given to them in light of the gospel. After having followed along with her ministry for several years now, it was a joy to finally have the chance to sit down and chat with her on all things home and family life.
What we Chat about in This Episode
~Jami's life as a busy wife, mom, and ministry leader; what a typical day looks like for Jami
~The importance of looking to Christ -and not ourselves!- for the strength we need for daily life and the myth that we are enough
~ The key component of prioritizing time in God's Word and how to do so; the implications of how missing this time can lead to the kind of chaos and mess we oftentimes experience in our homes
~Living by faith
~Practical homemaking tips
~Striking a balance between idolizing always having a perfectly clean home and being lazy in terms of household chores and responsibilities
~How to intentionally prioritize your marriage in practical ways
~Tips for prioritizing your children
~The sovereignty of God over our time
~Pracitical tips for how to best manage our time when running an online business or ministry on top of home and family life
~The freedom which comes with trustng in the Lord's sovereignty over our online endeavors
~And more!
027: Practical Inspiration for Your Homemaking with Jami Balmet