Beyond the Boxes
The Gospel-Shaped Life Podcast
043: Women and Work with Carlee Russell

043: Women and Work with Carlee Russell

Carlee Russell, wife, homeschooling mom of 3, and virtual assistant, joins me on the Home and Hearth podcast to talk about a Biblical understanding of women and work. I believe you will come away from this episode encouraged and inspired for your own journey!

What we Chat about in This Episode

~A Biblical understanding of a woman's work, and how both the ultra-liberal feminist and the 1950s housewife stereotypes are wrong

~Three specific places in Scripture which provide us with an understanding of woman and work - Genesis 1 & 2, Proverbs 31, and Titus 2:4-5

~Hope for the woman who feels like there is more out there for her

~Using our gifts and talents even in the season of homemaking and mothering

~The multitude of ways a woman can contribute to her family's economy whether she is working for someone else or not

~How doing work that you love fills you up and thereby makes you an even better mama, more able to pour back out into your kiddos

~The culture's view of a stay-at-home mom vs. the Bible's

~The problem with making your children the center of your universe

~Mommy guilt and how it comes from the culture; not the Bible

~How seeing her work has positively impacted Carlee's children

~The freedom moms have between being there for their kids and being at all their events and activities

~How moms working at home or elsewhere can inspire entrpreneurship in our kids

~Working hard and with intentionality; viewing our home as a place of work and excellence

~And more!

Find all the show notes at

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Beyond the Boxes
The Gospel-Shaped Life Podcast
The Gospel-Shaped Life Podcast (Formerly the Home and Hearth Podcast) is a weekly show hosted by Rebekah Hargraves and all about edifying, equipping, and encouraging women in their journey of living life in light of the gospel. If there is an issue that pertains to a woman's life, you will find it discussed here! We'll be covering everything from topics pertaining to marriage, motherhood, homemaking, and the Christian walk, to issues of health and fitness, infertility, adoption, chronic illness, and current event issues in the church and culture. It is our prayer that you will find an episode here which speaks directly to what you are going through right at this very moment and that you will receive the encouragement you need for your daily life.