Rachel Green Miller is a wife, homeschooling mom of 3 boys, blogger, historian, and author of the new book, "Beyond Authority and Submission: Women and Men in Marriage, Church, and Society". She is well-versed in the historical and pagan roots of the patriarchy movement, as well as the history of feminism. Even more importantly, she knows what God's Word has to say on the topics of God's design for men and women, and you will come away from today's episode built up and encouraged by the freedom you truly do have as a woman in Christ.
What we Chat about in This Episode:
~Rachel's brand new book, "Beyond Authority and Submission: Women and Men in Marriage, Church, and Society", what readers can expect from it, and what led Rachel to write it
~Legalism and how the God of legalism is not the God of the Bible
~Why we must begin and end with the Word, not cultural ideas or expectations
~Why we need to move beyond authority and submission and what that even means; how that hyper-focus actually harms relationships between men and women
~What patriarchy actually is, its tenets, why it isn't Biblical, and its pagan historical roots
~The fact that there are more similarities between the genders than there are differences
~The pagan cultural -rather than Biblical!- foundation of the idea of "separate spheres" for men and women
~Myths and stereotypes regarding what constitutes as "Biblical" marriage; there being no one-size-fits-all design for marriage; the freedoms we have in divvying up household chores, work, responsibilities, etc., and how that makes our marriages and companionship stronger
~The role the church has played in producing the secular feminism it so strongly fights against
~The problem with reactionary living and the sad fruit it has produced
~And more!
For full show notes, head to www.hargraveshomeandhearth.com/podcast
074: Beyond Authority and Submission Part 1 with Rachel Green Miller