Malinda Fuller is a wife to Alex, homeschooling mama of two girls, and brand new author of the book Obedience Over Hustle: The Surrender of the Striving Heart. Malinda's message is a most timely one considering just how prevalent the teachings of hustle culture are today. You will no doubt come away from this two-part episode convicted, encouraged, and inspired to choose obedience over hustle and to see the fruit that can come from just such a choice.
What we Chat about in This Episode:
~What we stand to lose if we give ourselves over to the hustle way of doing things and do not instead make a course correction
~The problem with sacrificing our families on the altars of our ministries or work
~How the hustle culture lifestyle differs from the way Jesus lived
~How slowing down and refusing to hustle is a true faith-builder
~And more!
For full shownotes, head to
078: Obedience Over Hustle Part 2 with Malinda Fuller