Shelia Erwin is a wife, Bible study teacher, mom to the Erwin Brothers, and author of the brand new book, "Raising Up Dreamers: Find and Grow Your Child's God-Given Talents", which is what we are chatting about today.
What We Chat about in Today's Episode:
~The journey God had Shelia and her husband on which contributed to the life and work her sons now have today
~Shelia's brand new book, what led her to write it, and what readers can expect
~The reality that God has made each of us - and our children! - unique, and the resulting problem with following formulaic parenting methods
~The problem with expectations
~Allowing God to write the story
~Parenting from a position of rest
~Surrendering to the Lord and claiming His promise of wisdom as we parent
~Engaging with our childrens' imaginations and how to start
~Entering into our childrens' worlds and how that speaks volumes to them
~Knowing your children and taking the time to study them
~Being available to and enjoying your kids
~The reality that in order to have good relationships with our children as adults we have to have good relationships with them when they're little
~The temptation for moms who are physically at home to not be emotionally or mentally at home; rejecting that temptation and making time for and dedicating focus to what really truly matters
~What intentional parenting is and what it is not
~Equipping our children to grow strong in their faith and identity in the midst of a dark culture and challenging influences and hardships
~Teaching our kids how to stand alone through the example of Daniel
~How to have faith and knowing the balance between that and taking unwise risks
~Allowing our kids to fail and the beneficial lessons which come from that
~And more!
For full show notes, head to
104: Raising Dreamers for the Glory of God with Shelia Erwin