Rebekah Hargraves is the host of the Home and Hearth Podcast, which, up until recently, has always been mostly an interview-style podcast. Now, however, she is branching out into recording the ninth of her solo podcasts to piggy-back a bit off the topic of her last few solo shows, which have been on the topic of Biblical womanhood. Today she comes on the show to do a survey of the Scriptures to see what God's Word has to say about women and leadership.
What She Chats about in Today's Episode:
~The reality that both men and women were given leadership responsibilities (i.e. subdue, have dominion, etc.) by God at the beginning of time
~Specific examples of women throughout Scripture being given leadership roles by God (namely, Deborah, Huldah, Priscilla, the Proverbs 31 woman, Titus 2 women, and so on)
~What the Bible actually has to say about the leadership of Deborah
~Answering those who would take Isaiah 3:12 out of context to defend the idea that female leaders are a curse
~Answering the question "Was Deborah's leadership a blight on Israel's leadership?", as some wrongly believe it was
~The "blessed alliance" and partnership between Deborah and Barak; how this beautifully illustrates how God created men and women to be partners in life
~The importance of allowing Scripture to speak for and interpret itself rather than our trying to force it into our own man-made boxes
~The problematic results which come from our taking gender stereotypes and differences too far
~The power of influence and leadership that women already automatically carry with them and the importance of asking yourself what kind of leader you will be
~Prophetesses in the Word including Joel's daughters, Phillip's daughters, Anna, Deborah, Huldah, and Miriam
~And more!
For full show notes, head to
119: Women and Leadership with Rebekah Hargraves (Solo Episode 9)