On today’s solo podcast episode, I am continuing the podcast series based on my book, Lies Moms Believe (And How the Gospel Refutes Them) with a chat all about bad days, sin struggles, messy houses...and the gospel! I hope you walk away from today's conversation feeling encouraged.
What I Chat about in Today’s Episode:
~The next 3 lies covered in my book:
15. Motherhood has to be Hard (And Hard is Bad!)
16. I have to "Keep my Act Together"
17. I can't have a Clean House While Raising Children
~A robustly, thoroughly, Biblical and gospel-focused understanding of "hard"; how God uses the hard moments for our good
~Reframing our view of "hard" times in light of the good God can bring from them
~Gaining a decisive victory over the lies Satan uses to discourage us and bring us down
~The reality that motherhood is hard....but it's also good
~Why Satan tries to make us think we "have to keep our act together"; the pitfalls this leads to in the areas of friendship and community
~How "keeping our act together" leads to a weakening of our witness and a stunting of our growth
~How comparison, perfectionism, and a lack of vulnerability lead us to think we have to "keep our act together"
~How the gospel pertains to cleaning your house
~Having a balanced perspective of homemaking, understanding that we are called to steward our homes well, while also understanding that our homes will look lived in....and that's ok
~And more!
For full show notes, head to www.hargraveshomeandhearth.com/podcast
142: Bad Days, Sin Struggles, Messy Houses...and the Gospel! (Lies Moms Believe Series #6) with Rebekah Hargraves (Solo Episode 20)