Beyond the Boxes
The Gospel-Shaped Life Podcast
156: Hope and Help for the Homeschool Mama with Durenda Wilson

156: Hope and Help for the Homeschool Mama with Durenda Wilson

Durenda Wilson is a wife, homeschooling mom of 8, podcaster, and author who is passionate about seeing homeschooling moms be encouraged and equipped. She is the author of the wonderful new book, The 4 Hour School Day: How You and Your Kids Can Thrive in the Homeschool Life" , and comes on the show to encourage homeschool mamas to reorient their view of education, daily rhythms, and routines in a way that best serves them and their families.

What We Chat about in Today's Episode:

~Durenda's new book, The 4 Hour School Day, what led her to write it, and what readers can expect

~Reorienting our view of what constitutes as education

~Having an unhurried approach to homeschooling

~The ability kids have to learn so much just from real life

~Keeping first things first as a homeschooling family and keeping the strength of your family itself at the forefront; the impact of strong families on the culture at large

~The importance of prioritizing nurturing and shepherding our children and how education and learning then flow from there

~Trusting the Lord's work in our kids

~The importance of a calm and secure environment to foster learning

~What this method and philosophy of homeschooling looked like in the Wilson home on a day to day basis

~Taking into account different seasons of life and different dynamics; being content where you are

~The importance of still making time as a mom to pursue learning, hobbies, and interests and provide children with an in-real-life example of being a lifelong learner

~ The problem with trying to be super mom with our kids

~Understanding that our inadequacies are not obstacles to God

~And more!

For full show notes, head to

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Beyond the Boxes
The Gospel-Shaped Life Podcast
The Gospel-Shaped Life Podcast (Formerly the Home and Hearth Podcast) is a weekly show hosted by Rebekah Hargraves and all about edifying, equipping, and encouraging women in their journey of living life in light of the gospel. If there is an issue that pertains to a woman's life, you will find it discussed here! We'll be covering everything from topics pertaining to marriage, motherhood, homemaking, and the Christian walk, to issues of health and fitness, infertility, adoption, chronic illness, and current event issues in the church and culture. It is our prayer that you will find an episode here which speaks directly to what you are going through right at this very moment and that you will receive the encouragement you need for your daily life.