On today’s solo show, we are addressing the topic of 7 different false gospels that are alive and well in our day that we need to refute with the actual gospel as found in Scripture. I hope you will walk away from this conversation feeling well equipped to know, discern, live out, and proclaim truth.
What I Chat about in Today’s Episode:
~The book of Galatians and what it reveals to us concerning the issue of teaching or believing a false gospel
~7 common false gospels we need to refute and how they differ from the true gospel of the Bible:
*the prosperity gospel (in all its forms, including the version taught in purity culture)
*progressive "Christianity"
*believing that the gospel is just good news for your eternity and not also concerned with your here and now everyday life
*believing that the gospel and Christian nationalism are compatible
*believing that the gospel does not have implications for the social sphere and your call to be the hands and feet of Christ
*believing that the gospel just has vertical implications (for your relationship with God) and not horizontal implications as well (for your relationships with your fellow image bearers)
~the false gospel nature of racism and sexism
~the "social gospel" aspect of the biblical gospel
~legalism as *the* false gospel the book of Galatians is concerned with - and why this fact shows that it is problematic for us to think, as many do today, that refuting a "false gospel" is just about refuting the false gospel of progressive Christianity alone (as if this were the only false gospel out there)
~the issue with the saying "just preach the gospel" - and how that reveals there are hints of a false gospel present
~the problem with defending slavery by saying that at least slaves were taught about Christianity (and how, if you were an enslaver, you were actually proclaiming a false gospel)
~And more!
For full shownotes, head to www.hargraveshomeandhearth.com/podcast
205: Refuting False Gospels with Rebekah Hargraves (Solo Episode #45)